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. Michael Pisaro / Greg Stuart - 'July mountain'
. point engraved edition eg.p05
'July mountain' for Greg Stuart & Jez riley French:
---- Field recordings made by Michael Pisaro in the Santa Susanna and San Gabriel Mountains, Placerita Canyon, Santa Clarita, Topanga, Val Verde, Los Angeles, Marina del Rey, and Santa Monica, 2006-2009.
---- Percussion recorded by Greg Stuart in Columbia, South Carolina, 12/09-01/10.
.---- pdf download of the score can be found here
. this remarkable composition combining 20 mono field recordings & 84 percussion parts is a significant addition not only to Michael's catalogue of works but also to the deeply fascinating exploration of scoring for field recordings.
below is a photograph by Michael taken during one of the field recording trips & a photograph by Greg of the woodblock used during the recording of some of the percussion parts: